The concept for analysing cancer registry data from the National Agency for Cancer Registration describes the analyses that are currently being carried out and those that are planned for the future. It addresses the fundamental questions: ‘What are cancer registry data used for?’ and ‘How can cancer registry data contribute to improving the health care of cancer patients?’ The concept for the analysis of cancer registry data represents a further development of the concept for the evaluation and publication of cancer data, which was published in 2020 by the Federal Office of Public Health together with the Federal Statistical Office, the National Agency for Cancer Registration and the Childhood Cancer Registry.
In connection with the analysis concept, indicators for specific cancer types and for tumours in general (non-tumour-specific) were defined, which serve as measuring instruments to fulfil the purposes of the Cancer Registration Act, Article 2, such as monitoring the development of cancer or evaluating the quality of treatment. Currently, indicators are available for the evaluation of breast cancer data. Indicators for other cancer types (e.g. prostate cancer, colorectal cancer) will follow. The existing documents will also be regularly updated. Selected indicators for breast cancer will be analysed for the whole of Switzerland in 2025.